Trial Experience List

List of people who have tried our products

Province Cellphone number Try the product Comment
银川 183****4445 恭喜尾号4445用户获得产品试用 产品还不错
银川 173****6031 恭喜尾号6031用户获得产品试用
宁夏银川 152****1122 恭喜尾号1122用户获得产品试用 产品很好用
宁夏 157****9743 恭喜尾号9743用户获得产品试用 效果棒棒哒
北京 130****6507 恭喜尾号6507用户获得产品试用 产品挺好啊
About Us

About us

Anchuang Beikang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a foreign-invested enterprise established by pharmaceutical enterprises and R & D center, with a construction area of more than 30000 square meters and more than 300 employees. The production workshop is built in strict accordance with the GMP standard, which is called GMP for short. The R & D center is equipped with advanced detection equipment such as high performance liquid chromatograph and gas chromatograph.
